NGC6992, Eastern Veil Nebula |
ASI 533MC - Optolong L-Ultimate - TS Photon Carbon 8 inch f/4 Newton August 27th, 2024. Middelharnis - The Netherlands |

M57, The Ring Nebula |
ASI 533MC - Optolong L-Ultimate - TS Photon Carbon 8 inch f/4 Newton June 27th, 2024. Middelharnis - The Netherlands |

Sh2-71 |
ASI 533MC - Optolong L-Ultimate - TS Photon Carbon 8 inch f/4 Newton June 25th, 2024. Middelharnis - The Netherlands |

NGC6781 |
ASI 533MC - Optolong L-Ultimate - TS Photon Carbon 8 inch f/4 Newton June 24th, 2024. Middelharnis - The Netherlands |

M51 |
ASI 533MC - Hutech IDAS LPS-P2 - TS Photon Carbon 8 inch f/4 Newton May 14th, 2024. Middelharnis - The Netherlands |

NGC3628 |
ASI 533MC - Hutech IDAS LPS-P2 - TS Photon Carbon 8 inch f/4 Newton 5th and 8th of March 2024. Middelharnis - The Netherlands |

NGC4449 |
ASI 533MC - Hutech IDAS LPS-P2 - TS Photon Carbon 8 inch f/4 Newton March 2nd and 6th 2024. Middelharnis - The Netherlands |

NGC2841 |
Moravian Instruments C3-61000 Pro - Chroma LRGB - 0.43 m f/6.8 Corrected Dall-Kirkham - 2939mm March 2nd and 6th 2024. Sierra del Segura - Spain |

NGC281, Pacman Nebula |
ASI 533MC - Optolong L-Ultimate - TS Photon Carbon 8 inch f/4 Newton September 15th 2023. Middelharnis - The Netherlands |

PN G75.5+1.7, The Soap Nebula |
ASI 533MC - Optolong L-Ultimate - TS Photon Carbon 8 inch f/4 Newton September 14th 2023. Middelharnis - The Netherlands |

NGC7000, The Cygnus Wall |
ASI 533MC - Optolong L-Ultimate - TS Photon Carbon 8 inch f/4 Newton September 5th - 8th 2023. Middelharnis - The Netherlands |

NGC2841 B/W |
ASI 533MC - Baader UV/VIS - Celestron EdgeHD 8 inch February 13th 2023. Middelharnis - The Netherlands |

Bubble Nebula - NGC 7635 |
ASI 533MC - Optolong L-eXtreme - Celestron EdgeHD 8 inch September 30th 2022. Middelharnis - The Netherlands |

Jupiter - EdgeHD C8 |
ASI 533MC - Optolong L-eXtreme - Celestron EdgeHD 8 inch September 30th 2022. Middelharnis - The Netherlands |

M27 - Dumbbell Nebula |
ASI 533MC - Optolong L-eXtreme - Celestron EdgeHD 8 inch August 31st 2022. Middelharnis - The Netherlands |

NGC6781 |
ASI 533MC - Baader UHC-S - Celestron EdgeHD 8 inch July 4th 2022. Middelharnis - The Netherlands |

Comet C/2017 K2 Panstarrs starless |
ASI 533MC - Baader UV/VIS - Celestron EdgeHD 8 inch July 2nd 2022. Middelharnis - The Netherlands |

Comet C/2017 K2 Panstarrs |
ASI 533MC - Baader UV/VIS - Celestron EdgeHD 8 inch July 2nd 2022. Middelharnis - The Netherlands |

M57 Ring Nebula |
ASI 533MC - Baader UHC-S - Celestron EdgeHD 8 inch June 2022. Middelharnis - The Netherlands |

NGC6543 Cat's Eye Nebula |
ASI 533MC - Baader UV/VIS - Celestron EdgeHD 8 inch May 9th 2022. Middelharnis - The Netherlands |

M104 Sombrero Galaxy |
ASI 533MC - Baader UV/VIS - Celestron EdgeHD 8 inch March 24th - 28th, 2022. Middelharnis - The Netherlands |

M64 galaxy |
ASI 533MC - Baader UV/VIS - Celestron EdgeHD 8 inch March 26th, 2022. Middelharnis - The Netherlands |

M94 galaxy |
ASI 533MC - Baader UV/VIS - Celestron EdgeHD 8 inch March 6th - 9th, 2022. Middelharnis - The Netherlands |

NGC2392 Eskimo Nebula |
ASI 533MC - Baader UV/VIS - Celestron EdgeHD 8 inch February 22th - 26th, 2022. Middelharnis - The Netherlands |

M31 - NGC206 cluster region |
ASI 533MC - Hutech IDAS LPS-P2 & Baader UV/VIS - TS Photoline 115/800 triplet September 3 - 8th, 2021. Middelharnis - The Netherlands |

NGC6960 West part |
ASI 533MC - Optolong L-eXtreme - TS Photoline 115/800 triplet July 17th & 18th, 2021. Middelharnis - The Netherlands |

NGC6888 - Crescent Nebula |
ASI 533MC - Optolong L-eXtreme - TS Photoline 115/800 triplet June 6th, 8th, 9th, 13th and 14th, 2021. Middelharnis - The Netherlands |

Wolf Rayet 134 |
ASI 533MC - Optolong L-eXtreme - TS Photoline 115/800 triplet June 1st, 2021. Middelharnis - The Netherlands |

M57 - Ring Nebula |
ASI 533MC - Optolong L-eXtreme - TS Photoline 115/800 triplet May 29th up to 31st 2021. Middelharnis - The Netherlands |

M94 |
ASI 533MC - Hutech IDAS LPS-P2 - TS Photoline 115/800 triplet April 16th 2021. Middelharnis - The Netherlands |

NGC4565 - edge-on galaxy |
ASI 533MC - Hutech IDAS LPS-P2 - TS Photoline 115/800 triplet March 6th 2021. Middelharnis - The Netherlands |

M42 - Orion Nebula |
ASI 533MC - Hutech IDAS LPS-P2 - TS Photoline 115/800 triplet March 6th 2021. Middelharnis - The Netherlands |